26 Dec 2012

work shop--Epigenomics and Cancer informatics


Epigenetics describes the heritable regulation of gene expression that is not directly encoded in the DNA sequence which is mediated by mechanisms such as covalent modification of DNA/histones and non-coding RNA. Stochastic and environment-induced deregulation of the epigenome contributes to diseases such as cancer and complex non-Mendelian disorders.  Recent technological advancements such as DNA microarrays and high-throughput sequencing have provided biologists to understand the epigenetic processes at whole genome levels. These technologies generate large amounts of data which inevitably rely on systematic computational, bioinformatic tools in order to draw a definitive conclusion. The programme consists of a one-day symposium followed by a two-day workshop.
Symposium (January 10, 2013)
The symposium comprises of informative lectures by eminent experts in the field of epigenomics and cancer research. This will cover current perspectives in cancer epigenomics, experimental designs, high-throughput techniques for epigenomic analysis such as microarrays.
Workshop (January 11-12, 2013)
The workshop will provide hands-on training on DNA microarray technologies for epigenetic analysis, data pre-processing, quality assessment and normalization, statistical analysis of data, functional analysis, interpretation and validation techniques.

BITS pilani-JRF/SRF/RA position in CSIR sponsored project in Dept. of Biological Sciences

JRF/SRF/RA position in CSIR sponsored project in Dept. of Biological Sciences

Applications are invited for a JRF/SRF/RA position in the Department of Biological Sciences for the CSIR Funded Project
“Analysis of metabolically active bacterial species in anaerobic digesters”.
The duration of the project is 3 years and the salary is as per the rules of CSIR.
Qualifications: M.Sc / M.E / Ph.D in life sciences and NET / GATE qualified persons will be given preference
Applications with detailed bio-data should reach the PI, Dr.-Srikanth Mutnuri, Applied and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences., BITS, Pilani – K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar Goa 403 726, 
by 10th December, 2012.
Phone: (0832) 2580125  (srikanth@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in)
Ref: http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/index.aspx

25 Dec 2012

Applications are invited for 14 posts of RA/JRF @ Rajiv Gandhi University

Applications are invited for the following posts in the “Center with Potential for Excellence in a Particular Area (Biodiversity) under Faculty of Life Science. The posts are temporary and shall be terminated at the end of the CPEPA in Biodiversity phase –II project. Duration of the project is five years.
  • Post : Research Associate: Number of post – 04
  • Qualification: Ph.D. in Zoology/ Botany/ Life Science/Biotechnology having research experience in Reproductive endocrinology/ Molecular Biology technique/ phytochemical analysis and its validation/ Fish Biology/Entomology/ microbial research / any other biological research evidenced by high quality publications. Candidates have to carry out extensive field work in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Fellowship: Rs.22, 000.00 plus 10% HRA pm 
  • Post : Junior Research Fellow: Number of post - 10
  • Qualification: M.Sc in Zoology/Botany/Life Science/ Biotechnology with good academic records. Specialization having Reproductive Endocrinology/ physiology & Biochemistry/Entomology/Fish Biology/ Wild life Biology/ Plant taxonomy/Microbiology/Ecology/Cell Biology/ nutritional biochemistry/toxicology is desirable.
  • Fellowship : Fellowship for NET (JRF) qualified candidate: Rs.16, 000.00 plus 10%HRA pm,   Fellowship Non NET candidates: Rs.14, 000.00 plus10% HRA pm

26 Oct 2012


Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, invites applications from candidates who are 
bonafide Indian citizens, to pursue research in modern biology leading to a Ph.D. Degree.  The projects 
offered for Ph.D. would be in the broad areas of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics, 
Developmental Biology, Nanobiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Protein Structure & Function, Biology of 
Macromolecules, Biology of Infection, Epigenetics, Chromatin Biology and Bioinformatics.  
Refer for details:

11 Oct 2012

Gurdon and Yamanaka share Nobel prize for stem cell work

By James Gallagher

British scientist John Gurdon told a news conference he still keeps a bad report given to him by his school science teacher

Related Stories

Two pioneers of stem cell research have shared the Nobel prize for medicine or physiology.
John Gurdon from the UK and Shinya Yamanaka from Japan were awarded the prize for changing adult cells into stem cells, which can become any other type of cell in the body.
Prof Gurdon used a gut sample to clone frogs and Prof Yamanaka altered genes to reprogramme cells.
The Nobel committee said they had "revolutionised" science.
The prize is in stark contrast to Prof Gurdon's first foray into science when his biology teacher described his scientific ambitions as "a waste of time".

Gurdon school report, aged 15

"I believe Gurdon has ideas about becoming a scientist; on his present showing this is quite ridiculous; if he can't learn simple biological facts he would have no chance of doing the work of a specialist, and it would be a sheer waste of time, both on his part and of those who would have to teach him."
Cloned frog
When a sperm fertilises an egg there is just one type of cell. It multiplies and some of the resulting cells become specialised to create all the tissues of the body including nerve and bone and skin.
It had been though to be a one-way process - once a cell had become specialised it could not change its fate.
In 1962, John Gurdon showed that the genetic information inside a cell taken from the intestines of a frog contained all the information needed to create a whole new frog. He took the genetic information and placed it inside a frog egg. The resulting clone developed into a normal tadpole.

Start Quote

Their work has created the field of regenerative medicine...this is a wonderfully well-deserved Nobel prize”
Sir Mark WalportDirector of the Wellcome Trust
The technique would eventually give rise to Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal.
Reset button
Forty years later Shinya Yamanaka used a different approach. Rather than transferring the genetic information into an egg, he reset it.
He added four genes to skin cells which transformed them into stem cells, which in turn could become specialised cells.
The Nobel committee said the discovery had "revolutionized our understanding of how cells and organisms develop.
"The discoveries of Gurdon and Yamanaka have shown that specialized cells can turn back the developmental clock under certain circumstances.
"These discoveries have also provided new tools for scientists around the world and led to remarkable progress in many areas of medicine."
Sir John Gurdon is relishing the story about his failings at school and how his teachers ridiculed any notion that he might pursue a career as a scientist. Dressed casually in a sweater, and rushed from his labs in Cambridge to face the world's media, a fine sense of humour allowed him to take today's tumult in his stride. When I met him, he admitted to being bemused that a Nobel attracted so much more attention than any other prize. I asked what he thought of the 50-year gap between publishing his ground-breaking paper, in 1962, and winning the award only now. Actually, he said, the experiment on the frog cells was carried out back in 1958 - "rather a long time ago", but he said, with infinite patience, that science works best by making sure one's theories are right.
Prof Yamanaka said it was a "tremendous honour" to be given the award. He also praised Prof Gurdon: "I am able to receive this award because of John Gurdon.
"This field has a very long history, starting with John Gurdon."
It is hoped the techniques will revolutionise medicine by using a sample of person's skin to create stem cells.
The idea is that they could be used to repair the heart after a heart attack or reverse the progress of Alzheimer's disease.
Prof Gurdon, now at the Gurdon Institute at Cambridge University, said: "I am immensely honoured to be awarded this spectacular recognition, and delighted to be due to receive it with Shinya Yamanaka, whose work has brought the whole field within the realistic expectation of therapeutic benefits.
"I am of course most enormously grateful to those colleagues who have worked with me, at various times over the last half century.
"It is particularly pleasing to see how purely basic research, originally aimed at testing the genetic identity of different cell types in the body, has turned out to have clear human health prospects."
Prof Yamanaka, who started his career as a surgeon, said: "My goal, all my life, is to bring this stem cell technology to the bedside, to patients, to clinic."
The president of the Royal Society, Sir Paul Nurse, said: "I was delighted to learn that John Gurdon shares this year's Nobel prize for physiology or medicine with Shinya Yamanaka.
Shinya YamanakaShinya Yamanaka used four genes to change a skin cell into a stem cell
"John's work has changed the way we understand how cells in the body become specialised, paving the way for important developments in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
"My congratulations go out to both John and Shinya."
Prof Anthony Hollander, the head of cellular and molecular medicine at the University of Bristol, said: "This joint Nobel Prize traces and celebrates the wonderful scientific journey from John Gurdon's pioneering early work to the sensational discovery of somatic cell reprogramming by Shinya Yamanaka.
"It's fantastic news for stem cell research."
Sir Mark Walport, the director of the Wellcome Trust, said: "John Gurdon's life has been spent in biology, from collecting insects as a child to over 50 years at the laboratory bench. He and Shinya Yamanaka have demonstrated conclusively that it is possible to turn back the clock on adult cells, to create all the specialised cell types in the body.
"Their work has created the field of regenerative medicine, which has the potential to transform the lives of patients with conditions such as Parkinson's, stroke and diabetes.
"This is a wonderfully well-deserved Nobel Prize."

Nobel Prize in Adult Stem cell Research

Adult Stem Cell Researchers Win Nobel 

"We can’t keep destroying embryos for our research," said Shinya Yamanaka of his motivation.
The Nobel Assembly has awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka, researchers whodiscovered a way to develop stem cells from adult skin cells—thus removing the need to use and destroy human embryos.
The Nobel Assembly states that Gurdon and Yamanaka's discoveryrevolutionizes "the dogma" that stem cells could only be derived from immature cells, such as those of human embryos.
The pair jointly received the prize for their "discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent." These pluripotent cells are able to develop into any tissue of the human body.
Embryonic stem-cell research "has long been controversial—which is one reason why Yamanaka's discovery of an alternate way to obtain human stem cells, without the use of embryos, is so important."
Pro-life groups such as National Right to Life are trumpeting the award, lauding the discovery as the "ethically acceptable (and far more promising) alternative to harvesting stem cells from human embryos."
But the "paradigm-shifting discovery" is almost 40 years in the making. In 1962, Gurdon, a British researcher, discovered that mature "specialized" cells can reverse themselves, still containing all the necessary information to develop all immature cells. In 2006, Yamanaka, a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes, reprogrammed the first adult cells to become immature human stem cells.
In 2007, Yamanaka told the New York Times he was inspired to pursue alternatives to embryonic stem-cell research when he was invited to view a stored human embryo during a visit to a friend's fertility clinic.
“I thought, we can’t keep destroying embryos for our research," he said. "There must be another way.”
CT previously noted Yamanaka's discovery in 2008, and mentioned his work in coverage of President Barack Obama's decision not to fund embryonic stem cell research in 2009.

2 Oct 2012

BIOINFORMATICS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PROGRAMME (BIITP) 2012-13 extended upto 08th Oct 2012 hurry up... bioinformatics candidates......


On behalf of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) is coordinating a scheme of practical industrial training for B.Tech./ B.E./ M.Sc./ M.Tech./ Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics and BINC qualified students. The students are placed for training in Bioinformatics & Biotechnology companies willing to impart practical training to these candidates. The training is for a period of six months during which every trainee is paid a stipend of Rs. 8000/- per month. The company is also paid a bench fee to cover expenses towards training. This programme is mutually beneficial to the students and companies as it provides industrial exposure to the students and an opportunity for industry to select prospective manpower. This programme is advantageous for the companies as it gives them an opportunity to assess the performance of the trainees and subject to availability, suitable trainees could be considered for placement.

Please Note : The last date for submission of online application has been extended upto 08th October 2012 and for submission of all documents (including copy of system generated acknowledgement of the application form, demand draft of Rs. 250/- and attested photocopies of all marksheets and certificates of highest degree/ diploma) is 10th October 2012.

Biotech Industrial Training Programme 2012-13

Biotech Industrial Training Programme 2012-13

The profiles of candidates selected for training will be sent to companies for acceptance.
The candidates whose profiles are accepted by the companies will be sent joining letters by
email and courier/speed post to their contact addresses. They will have to report for training
within 2 weeks of the date of the joining letter. This process may take 2-4 weeks.

Hearty Congratulations  to all the selected candidates and especially the candidates from SVIMS University

1.    B235/3011       A.V.Thanusha    
296 B234/2968       Lakshmi Priya. M
127 H260/945        Bokkasam Harsha Vardhan
269 B230/3688      Kavya D
182 B232/3790      Edururu Bhupathi
277 B233/2990      Kiran Kumar Bendala

29 Sept 2012

Computational Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Life Sciences

Computational Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Life Sciences
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Padmashree Institute of Management & Sciences jointly organises a National Level Conference & Workshop to provide a platform to understand the basics of Proteomics and Genomics with special references to drug discovery & drug targeting. The workshop provides an in-depth view of most commonly used protocols in drug discovery laboratories & offers expert tips & vital implementation advise from scientists.
Selected Papers Will Be Published in International Peer Reviewed Journal (lnternational Journal of Fundamental & Applied Science)
Registration Details:
·         Students/Research Scholars: 500/-
·         Others: 750/-
Dates to Remember:
Last date to receive abstract : 10th Oct. 2012
Intimation of accepted paper : 25th Oct 2012
To receive full manuscript of selected papers : 10th Nov 2012
Last date for Symposium Registration: 10th Nov 2012
Mode of Payment:
Through NEFT Beneficiary : Bioenigma, MLACW
Account No. : 117994
Name of the Bank : UCO Bank, Malleshwaram, Bangalore Branch
IFSC code : UCBA0000231
MICR Code : 560028017
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College Campus 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560 012
Call for Papers/Posters:
·         Abstract of Poster / Paper will be published in the conference proceedings 
·         Abstract should be prepared in the following format
1.     Font Type : Times New Roman. 
2.     Font Size : Title 14 point bold. Authors names, affiliation, e-mail, address and abstract 12 point normal
3.     Name of the author presenting the paper should be in bold. The text of the abstract Including title should be less than 300 words
·         Poster size:4 feet x 3feet.
·         Each abstract shall accompany a filled in registration form along with registration fee in the form of NEFT member.
·         TA. will be provided for Researchers / Teachers below 45 years of age for oral presenters only. 
Selected Papers Will Be Published in International Peer Reviewed Journal (lnternational Journal of Fundamental & Applied Science)
Major Thrust Areas:
·         Pharmaceutical Sciences
·         Natural Chemistry
·         Complementary & Alternative Medicine
·         Genomics 
·         Bioinformatics 
·         Drug Discovery
·         Proteomics 
·         Biotechnology 
·         Life Science
Who should Apply:
PG Students, Researchers, Faculty, Industry for Pharma & life science stream
·         Mrs. USHA t MIDDHA : 9886098267
·         Dr. BALASUBRAMANYA S. : 9900048833 
·         MRS. RENUKA SRIHARI : 9740818539
WORKSHOP FOCUS (25th Nov to 9th Dec 2012) 
·         Medicinal Chemistry
·         Target Validation
·         Target identification
·         Hit finding
·         Lead designing
·         Pharmacokinetics
·         Pharmacodynamics
·         Pre clinical studies
·         Allometric scaling
·         QSAR
·         Rational Drug Designing
·         CompChem Studies
·         Docking studies
·         ADMET
·         Lipnd /Lipnd score
Registration Details:
·         Students 6,000/-
·         Faculty/Research Students 8,000/-
·         Others 10,000/-

Participants are requested to register online with a brief outline of how this workshop will be of benefit to them & mail it to ammanniicollege@gmail.com (only 30 entries on first cum first serve basis)