26 Dec 2012

work shop--Epigenomics and Cancer informatics


Epigenetics describes the heritable regulation of gene expression that is not directly encoded in the DNA sequence which is mediated by mechanisms such as covalent modification of DNA/histones and non-coding RNA. Stochastic and environment-induced deregulation of the epigenome contributes to diseases such as cancer and complex non-Mendelian disorders.  Recent technological advancements such as DNA microarrays and high-throughput sequencing have provided biologists to understand the epigenetic processes at whole genome levels. These technologies generate large amounts of data which inevitably rely on systematic computational, bioinformatic tools in order to draw a definitive conclusion. The programme consists of a one-day symposium followed by a two-day workshop.
Symposium (January 10, 2013)
The symposium comprises of informative lectures by eminent experts in the field of epigenomics and cancer research. This will cover current perspectives in cancer epigenomics, experimental designs, high-throughput techniques for epigenomic analysis such as microarrays.
Workshop (January 11-12, 2013)
The workshop will provide hands-on training on DNA microarray technologies for epigenetic analysis, data pre-processing, quality assessment and normalization, statistical analysis of data, functional analysis, interpretation and validation techniques.

BITS pilani-JRF/SRF/RA position in CSIR sponsored project in Dept. of Biological Sciences

JRF/SRF/RA position in CSIR sponsored project in Dept. of Biological Sciences

Applications are invited for a JRF/SRF/RA position in the Department of Biological Sciences for the CSIR Funded Project
“Analysis of metabolically active bacterial species in anaerobic digesters”.
The duration of the project is 3 years and the salary is as per the rules of CSIR.
Qualifications: M.Sc / M.E / Ph.D in life sciences and NET / GATE qualified persons will be given preference
Applications with detailed bio-data should reach the PI, Dr.-Srikanth Mutnuri, Applied and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences., BITS, Pilani – K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar Goa 403 726, 
by 10th December, 2012.
Phone: (0832) 2580125  (srikanth@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in)
Ref: http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/index.aspx

25 Dec 2012

Applications are invited for 14 posts of RA/JRF @ Rajiv Gandhi University

Applications are invited for the following posts in the “Center with Potential for Excellence in a Particular Area (Biodiversity) under Faculty of Life Science. The posts are temporary and shall be terminated at the end of the CPEPA in Biodiversity phase –II project. Duration of the project is five years.
  • Post : Research Associate: Number of post – 04
  • Qualification: Ph.D. in Zoology/ Botany/ Life Science/Biotechnology having research experience in Reproductive endocrinology/ Molecular Biology technique/ phytochemical analysis and its validation/ Fish Biology/Entomology/ microbial research / any other biological research evidenced by high quality publications. Candidates have to carry out extensive field work in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Fellowship: Rs.22, 000.00 plus 10% HRA pm 
  • Post : Junior Research Fellow: Number of post - 10
  • Qualification: M.Sc in Zoology/Botany/Life Science/ Biotechnology with good academic records. Specialization having Reproductive Endocrinology/ physiology & Biochemistry/Entomology/Fish Biology/ Wild life Biology/ Plant taxonomy/Microbiology/Ecology/Cell Biology/ nutritional biochemistry/toxicology is desirable.
  • Fellowship : Fellowship for NET (JRF) qualified candidate: Rs.16, 000.00 plus 10%HRA pm,   Fellowship Non NET candidates: Rs.14, 000.00 plus10% HRA pm